Thursday, April 26, 2012

Treasury Thursday!

I've been a little quiet lately due to a nasty bout of flu but now I'm feeling some what human once again and can focus long enough to type a coherent sentence.  I want to take it a little slow for now since I'm still going through tissues like there's no tomorrow!  I'll be catching up on The 365 Project posts and I also have a nifty DIY project that I want to share with you all that I did right before my husband so graciously gave me his infectious disease.  So look for those posts coming up soon!

For right now though, I'd like to share a few of my favorite treasuries I've been featured in this past week during my flu induced delirium :)

'Grey Day' by HandspunLilacs

















'Growing Green!' by fringeandflourish

















'I love the sea' by OnlyOriginalsByAJ



















  1. Beautiful collections. I am loving all of the gray.

  2. Oh, I do hate the flu! My family has had bouts with the flu a lot this year! No fun!

    These treasury collections are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.



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